Ban Island exists for the love of luxury handbags and hard-to-get fashion items. We believe finding your next trophy handbag should be a fun & interactive experience that has you craving the next hunt.
We’re a diverse team of experienced entrepreneurs solving a problem 65m+ luxury shoppers have, and we need people like you to make it happen.
We are a user-centric product-focused team that is super passionate about building what delights our users. We are agile, basing decisions on user feedback and metrics, iterating at light speed and making big bold moves.
Our whole team works from home and have worked together for several startups. There aren’t any politics. We have an open, honest, I've-got-your-back environment. We are hyper-focused on happy customers and teammates as a means to a thriving and growing business.
If you are excited about seeking product-market-fit in the early stages and are an expert at go-to-market strategies and scaling from there – we’d love to hear from you.